

@linkedin @Link @Link2
  • //inside class double test = Math.PI * 5; //no need to refer class now double test = PI * 5; public class SuperClass { public SuperClass(){ } public SuperClass(int i){} public void test(){ System.out.println("super class test method"); } } public class ChildClass extends SuperClass { public ChildClass(String str){ //access super class constructor with super keyword super(); //access child class method test(); //use super to access super class method super.test(); } @Override public void test(){ System.
    core java Created Thu, 13 Oct 2022 19:59:57 +0530
  • Q1. What is Angular 4 and how it differs from Angular 1.x? Q2. What is component decorators in Angular 4? The main objectives of decorators is to add some metadata to the class that will tell Angular 4 how to process a class. Or in another words, Decorators are functions that modify JavaScript classes. Angular has many decorators that attach metadata to classes so that it knows what those classes mean and how they should work.
    angular interview Created Wed, 21 Sep 2022 09:59:03 +0530
  • What is Dependency Injection? Dependency Injection is a design pattern that helps us to implement the Dependency Inversion Principle. It is a technique that allows us to inject dependencies into an object rather than creating them inside the object itself. It is a way to achieve loose coupling between objects. What are the pros and cons of Dependency Injection? Dependency Injection (DI) is a widely used design pattern in .NET C# and ASP.
    dotnet dependency-injection dotnet-core Created Wed, 21 Sep 2022 09:59:03 +0530
  • so-called calendrical savant (or calendar savant) is someone who despite their intellectual disability (typically autism) can name the day of the week of a given date, or visa versa in a few seconds or even a tenth of a second (Kennedy & Squire, 2007). In the clip below, mega-savant Kim Peek, inspiration for the movie Rain Man, does so while taking questions from an audience: While extremely impressive to behold, calendar calculations are actually very simple to perform and can be learned in less than 30 minutes.
    logical-thinking Created Tue, 20 Sep 2022 13:13:01 +0530
  • July last year, a crowd funding campaign went viral in Colombia. It was all good and dandy in the first 48 hours. They managed to reach over 2 million sessions and over 20 million page views — with a website that stayed fully functional without a hitch. Until they saw the bill. $30,356.56USD in 72 hours. Why did it go so wrong? One of the biggest differences between Firebase and traditional cloud based databases is the pricing model.
    firebase Created Thu, 15 Sep 2022 11:56:47 +0530
  • so-called calendrical savant (or calendar savant) is someone who despite their intellectual disability (typically autism) can name the day of the week of a given date, or visa versa in a few seconds or even a tenth of a second (Kennedy & Squire, 2007). In the clip below, mega-savant Kim Peek, inspiration for the movie Rain Man, does so while taking questions from an audience: While extremely impressive to behold, calendar calculations are actually very simple to perform and can be learned in less than 30 minutes.
    Created Sun, 21 Aug 2022 09:04:28 +0530
  • Introduction What is Server-Side Blazor? Prerequisites Source Code Important Note: Creating a Table CREATE TABLE Employee ( EmployeeID int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, Name varchar(20) NOT NULL , City varchar(20) NOT NULL , Department varchar(20) NOT NULL , Gender varchar(6) NOT NULL ) GO CREATE TABLE Cities ( CityID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, CityName varchar(20) NOT NULL ) GO INSERT INTO Cities VALUES('New Delhi'); INSERT INTO Cities VALUES('Mumbai'); INSERT INTO Cities VALUES('Hyderabad'); INSERT INTO Cities VALUES('Chennai'); INSERT INTO Cities VALUES('Bengaluru'); Create The Server Side Blazor Application The solution has two project files: Scaffolding the Model to the Application Install-Package Microsoft.
    C# .Net Core Blazor SPA Created Wed, 27 Oct 2021 21:41:31 +0530
  • @Bean public MyService getService(){ return new MyService(); } } <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class> </listener> <beans:bean id=“localeResolver” class=“org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleResolver”> <beans:property name=“defaultLocale” value=“en” /> <beans:property name=“cookieName” value=“myAppLocaleCookie”></beans:property> <beans:property name=“cookieMaxAge” value=“3600”></beans:property> </beans:bean> <interceptors> <beans:bean class=“org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.LocaleChangeInterceptor”> <beans:property name=“paramName” value=“locale” /> </beans:bean> </interceptors> <!– Configure bean to convert JSON to POJO and vice versa –> <beans:bean id=“jsonMessageConverter” class=“org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter”> </beans:bean> return empData.get(empId); } <bean class=“com.journaldev.spring.EmployeeDaoImpl”> <property name=“maxReadResults” value="${results.read.max}"/> </bean>
    spring Created Fri, 15 Oct 2021 19:51:17 +0530
  • M.F.M Fazrin (MSc – SE) - 📌 Doha, Qatar. 📞+97433253203 📱 +94772049123 ✉️ info@dotnetevangelist.net 🤵🏻 https://nirzaf.github.io 🐱‍👤https://github.com/nirzaf 💼https://linkedin.com/in/mfmfazrin 📝https://dotnetevangelist.net ⭐Highest-ranked developer in Qatar Senior full-stack software engineer looking for challenges to solve, with more than a decade of proven field experience in many technologies. Top 5 skills Deep listening Mentoring and managing teams skillfully of various sizes and experiences Completing projects under tight schedules and budgets successfully Versatility, speed, and interest in learning and mastering innovative technologies.
    Mohamed Fazrin Farook Software Engineer Created Thu, 30 Apr 2020 06:50:59 +0000
  • Pre-requisites to follow along this tutorial Azure Subscription Email provider (Such as SendGrid, MailGun, Post-mark etc) What is Azure Logic Apps? Azure Logic Apps is a cloud service that helps you schedule, automate, and orchestrate tasks, business processes, and workflows when you need to integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations. Logic Apps simplifies how you design and build scalable solutions for app integration, data integration, system integration, enterprise application integration (EAI), and business-to-business (B2B) communication, whether in the cloud, on premises, or both.
    Created Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000